McGwire is the original ‘Courage Champion’ who is the inspiration behind the Kids With Courage Foundation. McGwire’s special brand of courage inspires other children and young people with Type 1 diabetes. McGwire’s fighting spirit, courage and strength that began at the young age of 7 continues to inspire us every day and will forever be our Champion!
Since McGwire was diagnosed in 2006, over 120,000 more children in the United States have suffered because of Type 1 diabetes. Children and young people forced into a lifetime of medical procedure and protocol, numerous daily injections, blood tests and unimaginable daily battles. Finding a way to live life the best they can. These kids all have hopes and dreams of living long lives. They have parents, brothers and sisters, grandparents, aunts, uncles and cousins who cherish them. Our champions face life head on—they battle, they persevere, they overcome. They inspire all those who know them with their bravery, strength, and love of life. They are all Courage Champions!