Shelia’s constant pursuit of information about T1, led her to the Kids With Courage Foundation. She found a blog and saw a link to KWC. After contacting Daphna, she said “she just knew she needed to help as much as possible. Having a beautiful daughter with T1, I needed to connect somehow. The process of having a child/young person diagnosed with T1 is lonely. By volunteering, I feel like I can help others. The journey has been amazing.” Sheila’s role as a project manager at American Century, her career experiences along with her helpful connections, drive and passion for children, young people and families facing this dreadful diagnosis have been and continue to be very helpful to Kids With Courage. Sheila says, “I hope some day to do more than I’m doing now.”
What I do at Kids With Courage:
Once VP… I am involved as an absentee Board Member.
What I like most about being involved with KWC:
The support we are providing to newly diagnosed families. I didn’t have that and could have used it so bad. It was a very lonely process. The guilt was (is) overwhelming.
If I could meet one person from the past or present, who would it be and why?
Oprah. She struggled so much but persevered through trials and tribulations.
Place I would love to travel:
What are your hobbies?
Health issues. Boring, right?
Many people would be surprised if they knew I…
Spend a lot of time wondering why people are so insensitive.